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Ways to Give

Health is a human right. Give health to a child, a caretaker, a community. Your gift makes it possible for Americares to get medicine and critical care to people in need. Because we deliver donated medicine and medical supplies to a trusted network of locally-based providers, the impact of your gift is multiplied many times over.

Employee unloading a cargo plane.

Donate By Mail

Please make checks payable to Americares:
88 Hamilton Ave.
Stamford, CT USA 06902

Employee talking with a donor via phone call.

Donate By Phone

Monday through Friday,
9 a.m. to 5 p.m., EST

Give From Donor Advised Fund

DAF Sponsors and Information

Put Your Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) to Work! 

You can save lives and make a huge difference for families affected by poverty, disease or disaster by making a DAF grant recommendation.

Donor-Advised Funds are investment accounts for the sole purpose of supporting charitable organizations. Learn more here.

Your DAF is a convenient way to support people in need of access to health care all over the world. When you make a DAF gift, you:

  • Send lifesaving medicines to children and families
  • Provide emergency cleanup and hygiene kits to disaster areas
  • Stock a health clinic in the U.S. and around the world

And you have an impact on many more lifesaving programs and services!

If you have a DAF you can use a secure online tool from our partner, FreeWill, to help recommend a grant in just a few minutes: 


Questions about donor advised funds? Please contact Karen Malner.

Karen Malner
Planned Giving Officer
(203) 658-9596 or (800) 486-4357 extension 596

Donate Securities

Electronic and Physical Transfers

Many donors find gifts of securities to be a financially sound and convenient way to benefit Americares, and we have made the process easy for you.

To Contribute Securities via Electronic Funds Transfer:

Your broker can electronically transfer the marketable securities directly to Americares account at The Northern Trust Company as follows:

The Northern Trust Company
Trust Department
DTC # 2669
RE: Americares
Account #: 44-66526

To Contribute Mutual Funds via ACAT:

Your broker can electronically transfer the mutual funds directly to Americares account at The Northern Trust Company as follows:

The Northern Trust Company
Trust Department
DTC: #0226

RE: Americares
Account #: 44-66526

To Contribute Mutual Funds via Non ACAT:

Contact Americares Donor Relations Team at (800) 486-4357. Transfer of mutual funds can take approximately 15 business days to complete. 

For marketable securities download Americares stock transfer information to complete your gift with your broker. You can also use any of the following free online tools to help you complete your gift quickly and easily.

Let us know!

It is important that you (or your broker) notify Americares of your gift so we can identify the receipt.  Please include a mailing address and email us at:

When your security gift is received, Americares will send you an acknowledgement letter.  If you need further assistance, please call our Donor Relations Team at (800) 486-4357.

Americares is a 501(c)(3) organization.  Our Employer Identification Number is 06-1008595. 

For non-marketable securities (non-publicly traded, restricted, etc.), Our Donor Relations Team will be happy to help. Please Contact us at (800) 486-4357 for further information.

Please consult your tax advisor and/or financial consultant when considering a donation of securities.

IRA Giving

Donate From Your IRA

Many donors over 70.5 years of age choose to give directly from their IRAs as a financially conscious and convenient way to benefit Americares, and we have made the process easy for you. IRA gifts are a compassionate way to fulfill your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), and help you save on taxes since they don’t count toward your taxable income. We have invested in an IRA donation tool that makes the process simple and fast, so that you can make your impact in just a few minutes! Get started below.

Workplace Giving

Leverage the difference you make!

Gift Planning

Plan a Gift or Bequest

Create a Legacy of Caring! When you include Americares in your estate planning, you have a rare and significant opportunity to shape the kind of legacy that you leave behind. What will your legacy be?

Donate Cryptocurrency

We now accept Cryptocurrency donations!   We now accept donations of Ethereum, Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies! This gives us one more way to fund our work and can provide you with extra tax benefits.

Fundraise for Health

At Americares, we believe that change is possible when we come together.  

By starting your own fundraiser, you’ll help save lives and improve health for people impacted by poverty and disaster all over the world.  Click the link below to learn about our fundriasing campaign types you’d like to raise funds for:

peer fundraising

Donate Your Vehicle

Do you have an unused car taking up space in your driveway? Turn your car into a vehicle for change and donate it to the Americares Vehicle Donation Program! We accept unwanted cars, trucks, motorcycles, RVs, boats and even planes! Donating is easy, pick-up is free, and your vehicle donation is tax-deductible.

Donate Real Estate

Consider supporting Americares by donating real estate such as a personal residence, vacation home, farm, commercial property or undeveloped land. Americares partners with Giving Property to process real estate donations to benefit Americares and the community we serve. If you have a real estate asset that is costing you money or not being utilized, donating it is a great way to give back. You may even claim a significant tax deduction!

Shop For Our Cause

You save 20%, minted donates 15%.

When you shop* for cards and gifts at Minted, you can save 20% on your purchase and give back 15% to Americares by using the promo code FUNDRAISEAMERICARES at checkout.

*Excludes fine art prints and wedding stationary

United Way

If you support the United Way, you can designate Americares as one of your charities of choice. Simply list Americares on your local United Way Donor Designation Pledge form.