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Three Years of War in Ukraine

Americares continues to provide critical medical aid to support those affected by the war in Ukraine.

(photo by Jeff Kennel, Americares)

Vitalina looks up at the sky as an air raid warning goes off while out for a walk near their apartment in Lviv, Ukraine. February 3, 2024. (photo/Jeff Kennel)

Three Years of War in Ukraine

Americares has reached out to 11 partner clinics in Kentucky, offering support and ready to deliver critically needed medicines and relief supplies.

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Americares is responding to the deadly Los Angeles wildfires, addressing urgent health needs in affected communities.

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Emergency Response

Hurricane Helene

Americares is coordinating deliveries of medicines and relief supplies, providing mental health support and supporting the restoration of health services.

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Americares consistently earns a 4-star rating – the highest possible – from Charity Navigator, America’s largest independent charity evaluator, for its strong financial health and commitment to accountability and transparency.

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    Ways to Get Involved collage

    Americares helps people and communities around the world access health in times of disaster and every day.

    Health is both essential and a human right. With good health, they can attend school, be productive at work, care for their families and contribute to strong communities. Poor health puts all of those opportunities at risk. Health is fundamental to all aspects of development.

    Easy Ways to
    Get Involved Now!

    Give health to a child, a parent, a community. Your gift makes it possible for Americares to get medicine and critical care to families and communities in need. For every $1 donated, Americares can provide $20 in aid. Because we deliver donated medicine and medical supplies to a trusted network of locally-based providers, the impact of your gift is multiplied many times over.

    Send medicines & aid
    to those in need.


    Let us do the work for you. Become a Hero for Health.


    Your DAF is a convenient way to support vulnerable families all over the world.
