New Canaan, CT, April 28 2003 – Fred Weisman of Brookfield and Dr. Stephen Winter of Ridgefield have been added to the board of directors of AmeriCares, the international humanitarian aid organization.
The appointments were announced by Curt Welling, president and CEO of AmeriCares which has distributed more than billion in medical relief and emergency assistance since it was established in 1982.
Said Welling: “We are delighted to have Fred and Steve join the AmeriCares board. Their professional backgrounds and their longstanding active involvement in our programs will enable each of them to make a wonderful contribution to AmeriCares’ future.”
Weisman, now-retired and a Stamford resident for 26 years, was formerly president of Aviation Management Services, a consulting company supporting business aviation activities for major corporations. Prior to that he held technical executive positions with Pepsico Airlease Corp., Texas International Airlines, Bonanza airlines (Air West), Trans World Airlines and Westinghouse Electric Corporation.
In the area of social outreach, he has been active with a large number of organizations, including the Stamford Shelter for the Homeless, United Jewish Center of Danbury, Boys Scouts District Council, Healing the Children, Junior Achievement, St. James Food Pantry and the Brookfield Planning and Zoning Commissions. He and his wife Joan were named Outstanding Philanthropists in New Haven at the Connecticut Philanthropy Awards Luncheon April 10.
Dr. Winter is chief of pulmonary and critical care medicine at Norwalk Hospital and an associate clinical professor of medicine at Yale University. He was the recipient of the 2002 Humanitarian Award of the Connecticut Thoracic Society and the 1999 Community Service Award of the American College of Chest Physician Governors. His volunteer work with AmeriCares has taken him to Iraq, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, the Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Serbia, Albania, North Korea and Ground Zero in New York on 9/11. He has also been a member of medical missions to Rwanda, Haiti, Thailand and Cambodia.