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AmeriCares Airlifts Desperately Needed Relief Supplies To Haiti

  • March 9, 2004

Stamford, CT, March 9 2004 – An AmeriCares cargo jet filled with more than 42,000 pounds of emergency supplies departs from Miami International Airport Wednesday for thousands of Haitians reeling from more than a month of violence and civil unrest. The cargo jet is to touch down in Port-au-Prince at approximately 11:30 a.m. local time.

The cargo consists of medicines, medical supplies, pediatric nutritional supplements and other disease prevention medications. During the past two months AmeriCares has delivered to Haiti’s capital and second largest city, Cap-Haïtien, two shipments of antibiotics and other lifesaving supplies worth $1.1 million.

AmeriCares relief workers arrived in Port-au-Prince Sunday to determine the safest route into the northern part of the country where the supplies are most needed. AmeriCares has been supporting the people of Haiti for 20 years through its long-time partner, Centers for Development and Health (Centres pour le Développement et la Santé or CDS). More than $80 million of humanitarian aid has been shipped to those for whom disease and hunger are an everyday reality.

To help AmeriCares with its relief effort for Haiti the public can make a donation online at: or by calling AmeriCares directly at: 800-468-HELP (4357).