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AmeriCares Gears Up for Hurricane Frances

  • September 3, 2004

Stamford, CT, September 3 2004 – With Hurricane Frances expected to make landfall in Florida within the next 24 hours, AmeriCares is gearing up its emergency relief preparations in order to be able to make an immediate response once the storm has passed.

“We are in communication with the Red Cross and other emergency officials in Florida and are ready to begin shipping emergency relief supplies as soon as they are needed,” said Christoph Gorder, AmeriCares vice president of emergency response. “As a result of our quick response to Hurricane Charley, we already have supplies in place in both Sarasota and Miami, which are ready to be distributed once the immediate needs post-Frances are determined.”

In preparation for Hurricane Frances, AmeriCares has pre-positioned supplies including infant formula and personal hygiene items. AmeriCares is already working with its corporate partners to ensure that additional donations of relief supplies will be forthcoming if needed. In the days after Hurricane Charley, AmeriCares shipped relief supplies including water, snacks and cleaning supplies, which were distributed through the Salvation Army.

For more information on AmeriCares and its relief efforts, log onto or call AmeriCares directly at 1-800-486-HELP (4357).