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AmeriCares Relief Flights Carry 45 Tons of Aid to Indonesia

  • January 11, 2005

Stamford, CT, January 11 2005 – AmeriCares is sending a series of three back-to-back relief flights to Indonesia, carrying a total of 45 tons of aid, as part of its comprehensive medical relief efforts to aid the survivors of the December 26 tsunami.

The flights began on Saturday, January 8 with a dedicated airlift of more than 2.2 million water purification treatments, which were flown directly into Banda Aceh, Indonesia. These treatments will provide 22 million liters of clean, drinking water to the tsunami survivors in this devastated coastal region.

A second flight arrived in Banda Aceh on Sunday, January 9 and a third will depart for Medan in a few days. These two additional flights carry a total of 60,000 pounds of essential medicines and relief supplies.

These AmeriCares airlifts have been underwritten by a $250,000 corporate contribution from The Go Daddy Group. “Go Daddy feels a responsibility to share with those in need,” said Bob Parsons, president and founder of The Go Daddy Group. “We decided to give our donation to AmeriCares because we learned it was an organization where a high percentage of the funds it receives actually goes to help the people in need.”

“As the threat of infectious disease rises, providing medical relief and water purification treatments is vital to the tsunami survivors,” said Curtis R. Welling, president and CEO of AmeriCares. “We are extremely grateful for the support of corporations like The Go Daddy Group, which have helped us deliver our relief shipments into Indonesia.”

Individuals wishing to support AmeriCares’ relief efforts in Asia can log onto or call AmeriCares directly at 1-800-486-HELP (4357).