Stamford, CT, January 12 2005 – A second AmeriCares airlift to Sri Lanka landed today, bringing an additional 30 tons of medical relief supplies to aid the tsunami survivors. To date, AmeriCares has delivered more than 45 tons of aid into Sri Lanka.
This most recent airlift departed from the AmeriCares international operational hub in Amsterdam yesterday and landed this morning in Colombo. It carried 63,000 pounds of medicines and medical supplies, personal hygiene items and other relief supplies. AmeriCares relief personnel in Colombo are working with the Sri Lankan Ministry of Health to ensure a coordinated delivery of aid into the worst affected areas.
This airlift was underwritten by a contribution from Goldman, Sachs & Co.
AmeriCares’ first airlift following the tsunami arrived in Sri Lanka nearly two weeks ago, on Thursday, December 30 and carried 15 tons of medical and water purification supplies, as well as an emergency response team. A third airlift is being planned for later this week.
“There are more than a million people in Sri Lanka alone who have been affected by the tsunami, and who are now at risk of disease from unsafe sanitary conditions and contaminated water sources,” said Curtis R. Welling, president and CEO of AmeriCares. “We are extremely grateful for the support of corporations like Goldman Sachs, which has helped us deliver these vitally needed relief shipments into Sri Lanka.”
Individuals wishing to support AmeriCares’ relief efforts in Asia can log onto or call AmeriCares directly at 1-800-486-HELP (4357).