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AmeriCares Annouces $250,000 Donation to Katrina Relief Effort from the Go Daddy Group

  • September 5, 2005

Stamford, CT, September 5 2005 – AmeriCares, the humanitarian relief agency, announced the receipt of a $250,000 donation from The Go Daddy Group to benefit relief efforts for Hurricane Katrina.

“Go Daddy firmly believes that it has a moral duty and responsibility to help our fellow Americans in the wake of this terrible catastrophe,” said Bob Parsons, president and founder of Go Daddy. “We absolutely must share our financial resources with those in need. Having donated funds to AmeriCares earlier this year in response to the tsunami, we didn’t think twice about donating to AmeriCares again since their funds go directly to those people who are in dire need.”

AmeriCares has mobilized emergency response teams in Mississippi and Louisiana and is delivering medicines as well as relief supplies including bottled water, non-perishable food items, cleaning supplies and personal hygiene products.

“The situation throughout the Gulf Coast area remains critical,” said Curtis R. Welling, president and CEO of AmeriCares. “We are extremely grateful for the support of corporations like The Go Daddy Group, which allow us help those who are in great need at this difficult time.”

Individuals wishing to support AmeriCares’ hurricane relief efforts can log onto, or call 1-800-486-HELP (4357).