Stamford, CT, October 26 2005 – A second AmeriCares airlift landed in Islamabad, Pakistan today delivering 110,000 pounds of medical relief, valued at $7 million, to help support the healthcare of thousands affected by the region’s catastrophic 7.6 magnitude earthquake.
An emergency response team, responsible for the distribution of 30,000 pounds of disaster relief supplies from AmeriCares first Pakistan earthquake airlift, will be partnering on the ground with LIFE for Relief and Development and the International Rescue Committee (IRC), to distribute the latest shipment of antibiotics, antifungals, oral rehydration solutions, basic medial and wound care supplies to hospitals and clinics throughout the affected region.
AmeriCares is additionally responding to an urgent request for temporary shelters by supplying 1,000 winterized tents that are able to provide shelter for 10,000 to 12,000 people. It is estimated that 2.5 million people will face homelessness during the oncoming winter months.
“Many of the earthquake survivors’ critical injuries continue to go untreated because of inaquedate supplies and the loss of healthcare infrastructure, making them particularly vulnerable to disease,” said John Connell, AmeriCares director of emergency response. “Continuing to provide essential medicines and medical supplies to treat and prevent infection, as well as winterized tents to shelter against harsh winter conditions, are vital to their survival.”
AmeriCares has responded to earthquakes many times in its 23-year history. Since the 9.0 earthquake and subsequent tsunamis (tidal waves) that struck Southeast Asia last December, AmeriCares has delivered more than $22 million of relief to Sri Lanka, Indonesia and India, and continues extensive, long-term programming to help rebuild the healthcare infrastructure in those countries. Exactly one-year prior, on December 26, 2003, AmeriCares deployed an airlift of more than 70,000 pounds of medicines and aid into Bam, Iran, after a 6.3 earthquake.
To learn more about AmeriCares relief efforts in Pakistan, or to make a contribution to support these efforts, log onto or call 1-800-486-HELP (4357).