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AmeriCares Doubles Aid to Zimbabwe

  • January 29, 2009

Working with PSI and P&G to Stem Cholera Outbreak

AmeriCares is doubling its supply of water purification treatments to Zimbabwe in an effort to stem a deadly cholera outbreak that has claimed more than 3,000 innocent lives. The outbreak is one of Africa’s deadliest in 15 years and experts say more than half of the country is at risk.

With limited medical resources and dismal sanitation, families in Zimbabwe have almost no protection against the disease, which is spread by exposure to unsanitary water. Without treatment, cholera patients experience severe diarrhea and can die of dehydration. Children are especially vulnerable and, sadly, it is often most deadly for them.

To ensure children and adults have safe drinking water, AmeriCares is partnering with Procter & Gamble and Population Services International (PSI) to send an additional 560,000 packets of PŪR™ Purifier of Water to Zimbabwe. AmeriCares is working with PSI, a global health organization, to distribute the packets through their programs across the country. AmeriCares previously sent 500,000 PŪR packets to PSI in Zimbabwe. Combined, the two shipments are enough to provide 10,000 families with safe drinking water for several weeks.

PŪR is a powdered, water clarification and disinfectant technology that comes in small, easy-to-use packets. Using some of the same ingredients as municipal water systems, PŪR removes pollutants and kills viruses and bacteria, including bacteria that cause cholera. This effort is just one example of how AmeriCares and Procter & Gamble partner to provide clean water for families throughout the developing world.

AmeriCares has been helping the people of Zimbabwe for more than a decade. Since 1997, AmeriCares has delivered more than $25 million in humanitarian, disaster, medical and nutritional aid to Zimbabwe.


About AmeriCares
AmeriCares is a nonprofit international disaster relief and humanitarian aid organization, which delivers medicines, medical supplies and aid to people in crisis around the world.  Since it was established in 1979, AmeriCares has distributed more than $12 billion in humanitarian aid to 142 countries.  For more information, log onto

About PSI:
PSI is a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit organization operating in more than 65 countries. With programs in malaria, reproductive health, child survival and HIV, PSI promotes products, services and healthy behaviors that enable low-income and vulnerable people to lead healthier lives. For more information, log onto