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AmeriCares Ready to Respond to Back-to-Back Disasters

  • September 30, 2009

Emergency Response Experts Prepared to Send Aid Shipments

Stamford, CT, Sept. 30, 2009 – AmeriCares disaster response experts are preparing to send medical aid to survivors of deadly back-to-back disasters in Asia and the Pacific.

AmeriCares emergency response experts were readying an emergency shipment of medicines and supplies for survivors of Typhoon Ketsana in the Philippines yesterday when they learned an 8.0-magntiude earthquake, followed by a powerful tsunami, struck American Samoa. Only hours later, AmeriCares emergency response team received word of a devastating of 7.6-magnitude earthquake in Indonesia, prompting tsunami warnings.

AmeriCares emergency response experts are closely monitoring the situation and are working with local aid groups in each country to assess the impact of the disasters and meet survivors’ needs. At the same time, AmeriCares emergency response experts are reaching out to partner organizations in Vietnam where Typhoon Ketsana left 32 dead.

AmeriCares has medicines and relief supplies on hand for devastating natural disasters like these and is ready to respond if needed. AmeriCares Vice President of Emergency Response Christoph Gorder is available to comment on the health needs of survivors after typhoons, tsunamis and other emergencies.

In the wake of natural disasters, health care facilities often struggle to cope with a surge in demand as survivors seek care. The supply chains that keep those facilities stocked are usually disrupted for weeks, if not months. Medicines and medical supplies are urgently needed to treat mounting illnesses and injuries.

The relief efforts come on the heels of recent aid shipments that will assist typhoon survivors in the Philippines and Vietnam. AmeriCares recently delivered $3.2 million worth of antibiotics, pain relievers and other lifesaving medicines to the Philippines. AmeriCares also provided enough water purification treatments to make 1.2 million gallons of clean drinking water that will help prevent the spread of water-borne diseases. In Vietnam, AmeriCares recently delivered $1 million of medical aid and an additional shipment containing $400,000 worth of aid is in the works.


About AmeriCares:
AmeriCares is a nonprofit international disaster relief and humanitarian aid organization, which delivers medicines, medical supplies and aid to people in crisis around the world.  Since it was established in 1982, AmeriCares has distributed more than $9 billion in humanitarian aid to 137 countries.  For more information, log onto