While Hurricane Irene blasts its way up the Eastern Seaboard, AmeriCares is preparing to rush relief supplies and, if needed, deploy emergency specialists to areas hardest hit by the oncoming storm.The Category 1 storm made landfall on the North Carolina shore on Saturday, August 27, battering coastal communities as it pounded its way northward, unleashing torrential rains and damaging winds of up to 85 mph. By late Saturday afternoon, 900,000 homes and businesses were without power and 5 lives were lost as a result of the storm. A state of emergency was declared in 9 states as hundreds of thousands evacuated their homes. The National Guard was deployed in several states.The entire New York City subway system shut down at noon on Saturday for the first time in history, in anticipation of the storm’s wrath. The slow-moving, 500-mile-wide hurricane took down trees and power lines as it battered the east coast throughout the afternoon and evening and into the following day, putting up to 70 million people at risk.Our U.S. team has reached out to clinic partners in several states to assess potential needs and will be in continued contact as the storm progresses. In the meantime, our stock of targeted medicines and supplies is prepositioned for immediate shipment, with special focus on wound care medicines and supplies, water, and other storm-relief items. Members of our emergency response team are prepared to deploy if and when the need arises.
Photo Courtesy of REUTERS/Steve Nesius, www.Alertnet.orgResidents prepare for Hurricane Irene in Atlantic Beach, North CarolinaRegardless of the exact track the hurricane takes, preparation is essential for people living in the storm’s path. Get Hurricane preparedness tips from AmeriCares expertsFor more than 25 years, our emergency response team has delivered critical medicines and supplies to help victims of hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, wildfires and floods, including a long-term response to Hurricane Katrina, as well as the spring 2011 tornado outbreak.Support AmeriCares storm relief efforts, as we prepare for and respond to Hurricane Irene.Donate Now