The Faith Family Clinic—one of 400+ clinics supported by AmeriCares—serves more than 350 patients per month, providing care to San Antonio residents who are working, uninsured, and unable to qualify for public assistance. Faith Family Clinic has become the medical home to over 3,500 members of the working community who do not have insurance and cannot afford the high costs of medical care today. Since 2010, AmeriCares has supported the Faith Family Clinic by providing medical donations worth over $600,000. The 25 shipments sent from AmeriCares have helped this clinic treat more people with a variety of medical conditions including respiratory ailments, cardiovascular disease and gastrointestinal disorders.The need:More than 32% of the people in San Antonio metro area do not have health insurance, leaving them without access to crucial preventive health care. This leads to unnecessary suffering for thousands of people affected by health issues that go undiagnosed and untreated. Often, these health issues grow more serious, and patients end up in the emergency room at a high cost to the individual and the community. The clinic seeks to fill this gap by providing uninsured working people and their families with the preventative care they need.After opening its doors in 2009, the clinic has expanded, establishing a second site in December, 2010 to serve a growing population of uninsured in the northeast section of the city. The clinic provides preventative care and early intervention, chronic disease management including diabetes and heart disease, health screenings for specific ailments and diseases, and mental health counseling.Resources:
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