I soon came to understand that sometimes it is not the size of the act – big or small – but it is the act itself that can put things into motion. ”— Charles E. Moore, M.D., Founder, HEALing Community Center
The HEALing Community Center, one of 400+ free clinics supported by AmeriCares, provides preventive, primary and specialty care for poor and uninsured people in Atlanta, Georgia.The Need:Charles E. Moore, a physician specializing in head and neck disorders, noticed an alarming pattern. A number of his patients with treatable forms of cancers had sought medical assistance too late — their conditions had progressed past the point where he could help them.“I thought to myself, someone should do something about this travesty,” explained Dr. Moore. “One day, I realized that maybe the person that was supposed to do something about it was me.”Dr. Moore focused on three zip codes with the highest percentage of head and neck cancers. He discovered that all three of these zip codes were also medically underserved communities. After meeting with leaders of community groups, faith-based organizations, and homeless shelters to educate people on cancer awareness, Dr. Moore realized that residents in these communities were not aware of the available options that could improve their overall health and perhaps save their lives.This revelation led to the creation of Atlanta’s HEALing Community Center. Since it opened, the clinic has helped more than 6,000 patients with critical services including general medical care, pediatric medicine, asthma and pulmonary care, ear, nose and throat care, and speech therapy.The Challenge:Quality, sustainable health care for people with limited access requires close proximity to a reliable pharmacy. With the nearest retail pharmacy twelve miles away, the clinic has responded to this major challenge by maintaining its own in-house pharmacy, helped by ongoing support from AmeriCares. Since September 2011, the HEALing Community Center has received 10 shipments of medications from AmeriCares, valued at $108,979, to keep the pharmacy fully stocked and ready to meet patient needs. Resources:
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