Stamford, Conn. – Oct. 19, 2012 – OdysseyRe executives are running the ING New York City Marathon on Sunday, November 4, to raise critical funding and awareness for AmeriCares aid deliveries worldwide. OdysseyRe President and CEO Brian Young and Executive Vice President Tom Bredahl will run 26.2 miles in support of the disaster relief and humanitarian aid organization. The AmeriCares team – the first ever in the organization’s 30-year history – also includes Everyday Health employees and AmeriCares Leadership Council member Elizabeth Chandler. Together, the runners expect to raise at least $75,000 for AmeriCares aid deliveries in the United States and the developing world.
“I’ve never run a marathon or any competitive race at any distance apart from the occasional 5k charity run, but I have always wanted to do it,” said Young, who lives and works in Manhattan when he is not traveling to OdysseyRe’s worldwide offices. “I love a challenge and there are few that test your physical and mental endurance more than running 26.2 miles. By joining the AmeriCares team not only do I get to fulfill a lifelong dream but I get to raise money for an organization that has done so much for so many people in need.”
“Everyone at OdysseyRe is proud of our continuing relationship with AmeriCares and see it as a natural fit,” said Bredahl, who heads up OdysseyRe’s Facultative Casualty Unit in New York. “In the global insurance industry we often see firsthand the havoc brought by disasters around the world, and feel good about supporting AmeriCares long-term relief efforts to help survivors.”
OdysseyRe, a leading worldwide underwriter of reinsurance and specialty insurance, has donated nearly $4 million to AmeriCares over the past five years, and employees have volunteered at AmeriCares Stamford, Conn. headquarters. OdysseyRe’s support includes funding for the AmeriCares Free Clinics in Connecticut, medical aid deliveries to free clinics and community health centers in the U.S., and funding for international disaster relief.
Young and Bredahl will be among the 47,000 runners competing in the world’s most famous marathon. More than 2 million spectators lining the streets of all five boroughs and a television audience of 330 million will cheer them on. This year’s event is expected to raise $35 million for more than 200 charities, including AmeriCares.
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