“You become accustomed to being able to help, and when you can’t, it is an awful feeling”
Tammy Stafford, Executive Director of St. Martin’s HealthcareOn March 29, 2013, a devastating fire forced the St. Martin’s Health Care Center facility in Garrett, Indiana to move to a temporary location for approximately 12 weeks while the original building is being repaired. The fire also created an even greater crisis in the ongoing work of the Center when extensive smoke damage led to the destruction of the Center’s entire stock of medications, medical and dental supplies.In response to this loss, AmeriCares reached out to its pharmaceutical partners for new products to replace what was lost in the fire. Through existing product inventory and new donations from pharmaceutical partners, AmeriCares delivered $147,005 worth of medicine, including insulin, respiratory and diabetes medications, and various medical supplies to St. Martin’s.Tammy Stafford, Executive Director of St. Martin’s Healthcare, describes what the AmeriCares donation meant to her and her clinic: “When everything was lost, it was very devastating. Every free clinic starts with literally nothing. But through donations, you eventually build up “stock.” You become accustomed to being able to help, and when you can’t, it is an awful feeling. The donations of supplies and medications were a true Godsend. We have been able to continue to support our patients without much of a glitch. These companies as well as others, also promptly replaced three month supplies of countless prescription assistance medication. We are very appreciative of AmeriCares for helping us help our patients.” St. Martin’s Health Care Center in Garrett, Indiana opened its doors in 2005 and shortly after became an AmeriCares partner in 2006. The Center provides free medical, dental and vision care to the uninsured in DeKalb County. In 2012, more than 7,200 patients relied on St. Martin’s services. These donations were made possible through AmeriCares partnerships with Nephron Pharmaceuticals Corporation, AstraZeneca, Novo Nordisk, BD and Company and DeVilbiss Healthcare.Donate Now