“I feel well and my blood pressure is under control since I have been using the medicine. I do not have any secondary effects from the medicine. I am eating healthier and exercising three days/week, and over the past 2 years have lost 36 pounds.”
AnselmoUninsured and ill, Anselmo, who lives and works in Miami-Dade County, Florida was concerned about his health. The farm worker suffers from high cholesterol and hypertension and cannot afford the medications he needs to manage his chronic conditions. Fortunately, Anselmo has been a patient at Open Door Health Center, a free clinic, for more than 10 years. His hypertension is treated with a medicine made by Boehringer Ingelheim and donated to Open Door by AmeriCares. “I feel well and my blood pressure is under control since I have been using the medicine,” said Anselmo. I do not have any secondary effects from the medicine. I am eating healthier and exercising three days/week, and over the past 2 years have lost 36 pounds.”With his high cholesterol and hypertension under control and his decision to make healthier lifestyle changes, Anselmo has taken a big step in improving his health and quality of life. Open Door Health Center is a free clinic for the uninsured poor located in the deep south of Miami-Dade County, Florida, where most “safety-net” resources do not reach. More than 41% of the residents in Miami-Dade County are uninsured and the area surrounding the clinic is considered “hyper-poor” where individuals and families are disproportionately affected by chronic illnesses and their associated complications. The clinic’s mission is to provide free primary health care, diagnostic and educational services to adults, children and teens in a caring, compassionate teaching environment through collaboration.AmeriCares donations of medicines and supplies provides continuity of access to chronic care medications for patients and enables the clinic’s limited resources to help more needy patients.Donate Now