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AmeriCares Ready to Respond to Hurricane Patricia

  • October 23, 2015
  • Photo courtesy: NASA / NOAA via NOAA Environmental Visualization Laboratory | CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
  • Leaders, Newsroom, Latin America and Caribbean

Stamford, Conn. – October 23, 2015 – AmeriCares emergency response experts are closely monitoring Hurricane Patricia and are preparing to deploy a team to the region. With 200-mph sustained winds and powerful gusts, the Category 5 storm is the strongest hurricane ever recorded in the Western Hemisphere. Tens of thousands of people along Mexico’s west coast are being evacuated, and a hurricane warning is in effect from San Blas to Punta San Telmo. A larger area is under a hurricane watch in advance of what the National Hurricane Center describes as a “potentially catastrophic” storm.   

AmeriCares is working with a local organization in Acapulco, which will distribute pre-positioned relief supplies, including soap, toothpaste and diapers, to displaced families.

“This has the potential to be the worst storm we’ve seen since Typhoon Haiyan two years ago, and millions of people could be impacted,” said AmeriCares Vice President of Emergency Response Garrett Ingoglia. “We are prepared to provide medicines and supplies to meet emergency needs.”

AmeriCares has professional relief workers ready to respond to disasters at a moment’s notice and stocks emergency medicines and supplies in its warehouses in the U.S., Europe and India that can be delivered quickly in times of crisis. The global health and emergency response organization has been aiding survivors of natural disasters, political conflict and extreme poverty around the world for more than 30 years, saving lives and restoring health and hope. In Mexico, AmeriCares has swiftly responded to natural disasters, such as Hurricane Ida and the 2007 extreme flooding of the Tabasco region, as well as disease epidemics.

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