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Americares Airlift Benefit Livestream Raises $2.1 Million

  • October 4, 2021

Stamford, Conn. – Oct. 4, 2021 – The Americares Airlift Benefit Livestream on Oct. 2 raised $2.1 million for the health-focused relief and development organization’s programs worldwide. Actors Adria Arjona and Tony Goldwyn co-hosted the special one-hour event.

Actor and Americares Board Member Tony Goldwyn co-hosts the Americares Airlift Benefit Livestream at Americares Global Distribution Center in Connecticut on Oct. 2, 2021. Photo by Mike Demas/Americares.
Actor and Americares Board Member Tony Goldwyn co-hosts the Americares Airlift Benefit Livestream at Americares Global Distribution Center in Connecticut on Oct. 2, 2021. Photo by Mike Demas/Americares.

“Year after year I am blown away by the generosity of Americares supporters,” said Americares President and CEO Christine Squires. “The funds raised during this year’s benefit will allow us to increase access to medicine, provide critically needed medical care and help to restore health services for disaster survivors.”

A donation from honorary benefit co-chair Jennifer Aniston, along with “Seinfeld” alum Jason Alexander’s Sept. 26“Celebrity Wheel of Fortune” winnings, helped to surpass the $2 million fundraising goal for the evening.

The Americares Airlift Benefit celebrates the organization’s life-changing health programs in more than 90 countries and the health workers and partners who make the programs possible. This year’s benefit streamed live from Americares 55,000-square-foot Global Distribution Center in Stamford, Conn., and took supporters on a unique virtual journey to see the organization’s work in Colombia, Ghana, Honduras, the Philippines and the United States, as well as meet families overcoming the challenges of disaster, climate change, poverty and inequity.

Actor Adria Arjona co-hosts the Americares Airlift Benefit Livestream. Photo courtesy of Americares.
Actor Adria Arjona co-hosts the Americares Airlift Benefit Livestream. Photo courtesy of Americares.

The vaccine development teams from Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer were honored with the Bob and Leila Macauley Humanitarian Spirit Award in recognition of their extraordinary efforts to develop and produce COVID-19 vaccines that have saved countless lives and prevented millions of hospitalizations. Paul Stoffels, M.D., vice chairman of the executive committee and chief scientific officer, Johnson & Johnson, and Caroline Roan, Pfizer’s chief sustainability officer and senior vice president of global health and social impact, accepted the award. Named for the founders of Americares, the Macauley award recognizes people and organizations that are a force for social good and are committed to improving the world around them.

The Americares Airlift Benefit Livestream also featured special appearances by WWE Superstars Montez Ford, Damian Priest and Zelina Vega.

Goldwyn and his wife, Production Designer and Americares Free Clinics Board Member Jane Musky, co-chaired the successful fundraiser along with Americares Board Member Roberta Conroy and her husband James ConroyDeirdre Dunn and Walter WeilAlexa and Ward Horton and Joy and Dr. Eric Weintz.

To watch the livestream on demand, go to

Moffly Media is the exclusive regional magazine sponsor of the 2021 Americares Airlift Benefit