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AmeriCares Ships Medicines and Medical Supplies to Earthquake Victims in China

  • May 23, 2008

Airlift first by private organizations into Chengdu

STAMFORD, CT – The first airlift of aid to Chinese earthquake victims provided by private organizations left Kansas City today, and AmeriCares medicines and medical supplies are an integral part of the shipment. AmeriCares is proud to play an instrumental role in delivering critical relief to the Sichuan Province.

“It will take many years for the people, infrastructure and landscape of China to fully recover from the destruction created by the recent earthquake,” says Curt Welling, president and chief executive officer of AmeriCares.  “Our staff and partners on-the-ground in China are working tirelessly to support the initial recovery efforts and to develop plans for the ongoing needs we anticipate in the affected regions. AmeriCares is very proud to be a part of this critical relief effort and join our colleagues in providing hope and health to the victims of this devastating disaster.”

The shipment, which will land in Chengdu early Sunday morning, contains AmeriCares donated antibiotics, solutions, vitamins, blankets and other medical supplies necessary to treat the immediate needs of earthquake victims in China. AmeriCares is gathering additional donations of medicines from pharmaceutical partners, including orthopedic supplies, such as wheelchairs and crutches, which are often needed by earthquake victims.  In addition, AmeriCares has offered to contribute a temporary field hospital and is working with provincial health authorities to finalize a location. AmeriCares will then deliver, erect and equip the field hospital to assist in the short-term and long-term medical treatment needs.

The airlift was coordinated by one of our partner organizations, Heart to Heart International, and contains additional relief supplies donated by pharmaceutical companies and other aid organizations.

To learn more about AmeriCares and to find out how to support the relief effort in China, visit

About AmeriCares
AmeriCares is a private, nonprofit international disaster relief and humanitarian aid organization, which delivers medicines, medical supplies and aid to people in crisis around the world.  Since it was established in 1982, AmeriCares has distributed more than $9.0 billion in humanitarian aid to 147 countries.  For more information, visit

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