We have witnessed unfathomable death and destruction in the Gaza Strip and Israel. Thousands of people have been killed, injured, displaced, and nearly two hundred remain held hostage, including children and elderly.
In Gaza, the UN has said that water, food, fuel, medical supplies, and even body bags, are running out due to the siege. The UN warned that people – particularly young children – will soon start dying of severe dehydration. Neighbourhoods have been destroyed and turned into complete rubble. Palestinians in search of safety have nowhere to go. Many of those who relocated from northern Gaza to the south after the relocation order by the Israeli army were reportedly bombed as they attempted to flee or once they arrived in southern Gaza.
The events of the last week have led us to the precipice of a humanitarian catastrophe and the world can no longer wait to act. It is our collective responsibility.
On Sunday, October 15th, the United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator to the Occupied Palestinian Territory appealed to all parties to the conflict, and to Member States with influence, to urgently agree to a humanitarian ceasefire.
Today, we put our voices together and call on all Heads of State, the UN Security Council, and actors on the ground, to prioritize the preservation of human life above all else. During this ceasefire, we call on all parties to unconditionally:
The UN Security Council, the UN Secretary General and all world leaders with influence must take immediate action to ensure a ceasefire comes into effect. It remains our only option to avert further loss of civilian life and humanitarian catastrophe. Anything less will forever be a stain on our collective conscience.
Civilians are not bargaining chips. Families need a chance to bury and mourn their dead. The cycle of violence against innocent civilians needs to stop.
BELaady Organization for Human Rights |
11.11.11 |
38 Degrees |
50:50 NI |
ABCD Bethlehem |
Abductees Mothers Association |
Academic Foundation for Peace-Conflict Studies |
ACAT France |
Action Corps |
Action For Humanity |
ActionAid International |
Africa4Palestine |
Africans Rising |
Afro-Middle East Centre |
Agaji Global Unity Foundation, Nigeria |
Agriculture Developmrnt Associations PARC |
Ajyal Foundation for Education |
Al Basma Club for the Disabled |
Al-Nidal Association for Human Rights |
Alliance Internationale -AIDL |
Alquds center for Political Studies |
American Friends Service Committee |
Americans for Justice in Palestine Action (AJP Action) |
Americares |
Amis de Sabeel France |
Amos Trust |
Anera |
Arab foundation for civil society and human rights |
Arab NGO Network for Development |
Armadilla Scs |
ARSIS Association for the Social Support of Youth |
Asamblea de Cooperación por la Paz |
Asia Pacific Network for International Education and Values Education (APNIEVE)-Philippines |
Asociación Otra Escuela |
Association Ifriqiya |
Association of War Affected Women |
Avaaz |
Baptist Union of Wales |
Basmeh & Zeitooneh for Relief and Development |
Belgian Academics and Artists for Palestine |
bina |
Bond, the UK network for INGOs |
Broederlijk Delen |
Bytes For All, Pakistan |
Caesar Families Association |
Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies |
Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) |
Care International |
Carolina Peace Center |
CCFD-Terre Solidaire |
Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights |
Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC) |
Center for Human Rights in Iran |
Center for Peace Education, Miriam College |
Central Asian Network on Statelessness |
Centre for human Rights & Civic Education (CHRICED) |
Centre for Peace Research and Advocacy -CPRA |
cfd – The feminist Peace Organisation |
Change Horizons Forum |
ChildFund Alliance |
Christian Aid |
Christian Aid Ireland |
Church and Peace – Ecumenical peace church network in Europe |
Church World Service |
Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) |
City of Sanctuary Sheffield |
CNCD-11.11.11 |
Coalition Against Trafficking in Women Asia Pacific |
Coexist Community kitchen CIC |
Committee to Protect Journalists |
COPE Cooperazione Paesi Emergenti |
Cotidiana Mujer AFM |
Council for Arab-British Understanding |
Council on American-Islamic Relations |
Counterpoints Arts |
CRIC – Centro Regionale d’Intervento per la Cooperazione ETS |
Culturel Center Beethoven Bettounssi |
DanChurchAid |
DanChurchAid |
Danish Refugee Council |
Daraj Media |
DC Peace Team |
Défense des Enfants International – Belgique |
Defense Foundation for Rights and Freedom |
Delawareans for Palestinian Human Rights |
Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN) |
Democracy School |
Denis Hurley Peace Institute |
Diakonia |
Diverse Voices and Action (DIVA) for Equality |
Dóchas |
docP – BDS Netherlands |
Economistas sin Fronteras |
EducAid |
Educo Member of ChildFund Alliance |
Embrace the Middle East |
English for Action (EFA) London |
Entraide & Fraternité |
Episcopal Relief & Development |
Escola de Cultura de Pau (School for a Culture of Peace) |
Eşit Haklar İçin İzleme Derneği |
Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor |
European Alternatives |
European Centre for the Responsibility to Protect |
European Centre for the Responsibility to Protect (ECR2P) |
European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine – ECCP |
European Network on Statelessness |
Fédération Internationale pour les droits humains (FIDH) |
Feminist Task Force |
Fenix Humanitarian Legal Aid |
Fields of Peace |
Foro Ciudadano Relaciones Celac-UE |
Foundation for Human Rights Initiative (FHRI) |
France Palestine Mental Health Network |
Friends Committee on National Legislation |
Friends of Nablus and Surrounding areas (FONSA) |
Fundación Cultura de Paz |
Fundación ISCOD – Sindicalistas sin fronteras |
Futuro en Común |
Gandhi Development Trust Phoenix Settlement Trust |
Gender Action for Peace and Security |
Gender Advisory Team |
Genera: Red de mujeres feministas por la equidad de género en el desarrollo |
Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect |
Global Communities |
Global Health Italian Network |
Global Justice Center |
Global Justice Now |
Global Link |
Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP) |
Global Rights |
Global Witness |
GPPAC Pacific-Pacific Women Mediators Network |
Greek Council for Refugees (GCR) |
Haliéus |
Handicap International – Humanity & Inclusion |
Hawai’i Institute for Human Rights |
Health Justice Initiative (HJI) South Africa |
Health Poverty Action |
HEKS/EPER – Swiss Church Aid |
Helen Suzman Foundation |
HelpAge Interational |
Human Life Foundation for Development and Relief |
Human Rights & Democracy Media Center “SHAMS” |
Human Rights Sentinel |
Humans for Rights Network |
Husna Foundation |
ICNA Council for Social Justice |
ICNA Council for Social Justice (ICNA CSJ) |
IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation |
IM Swedish Development Partner |
Ina autra senda – Swiss Friends of Combatants for Peace |
Innovation for Change – Middle East and North Africa |
Innovation for Change South Asia |
Institute for Policy Studies – New Internationalism Project |
Institute for Security Studies |
Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion |
International Federation for Human Rights |
International Press Institute |
International Rescue Committee |
IPMHN Ireland Palestine Mental Health Network |
Iraqi Women Network |
Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign |
Islamic Center of Boca Raton |
Islamic Center of Detroit |
Islamic Center of Yorba Linda |
Islamic Relief |
Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) |
Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions UK- UK |
Israelisches Komitee gegen Hauszerstörungen (ICAHD) Germany |
Japan international Volunteer Center(JVC) |
Jewish Network for Palestine |
Jewish Voice for Democracy and Justice in Israel/Palestine jvjp, Switzerland |
Jewish Voice for Peace Albuquerque |
Jewish Voice for Peace Health Advisory Council |
Jews against the Occupation Sydney |
Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants |
Jusoor Center for Studies and Development |
Kairos Palestine |
Kairos Palestine Sweden |
Kairos Sabeel Netherlands |
Kenya Human Rights Commission |
KURVE Wustrow – Centre for Training and Networking in Nonviolent Action e.V. |
La Coordinadora de ONGD -España |
Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights |
Lebanese Union for persons with physical disability/Arab forum for the rights of persons with disabilities |
Liberian Energy Network |
Ligue Algérienne de Défense des Droits de l’Homme – LADDH |
Lutheran World Federation |
Marib Girls Foundation |
Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns |
Medact |
Médecins du Monde International Network |
Medecins Sans Frontières (MSF) |
Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) |
medico international |
medico international schweiz |
MENA Statelessness Network (Hawiati) |
Mennonite Central Committee U.S. |
Mercy Corps |
Mercy-USA for Aid and Development |
Middle East and North Africa Partnership for Preventing of Armed Conflict – MENAPPAC |
Middle East Children’s Alliance |
Middle East Nonviolence and Democracy (MEND) |
Migrant Roots Media |
Min Haqi Foundation to empower women politically and economically |
Misereor |
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Justice and Peace Centre (Australian Province) |
Mouvement Social |
Musaala Organization for Human Rights |
Muslim Aid |
Muslim Legal Fund of America |
Mwatana for Human Rights |
Naseef Muallem |
National Cancer Control Foundatin – Yemen |
Nationality For All |
Network of the independent Commission for Human rights in North Africa CIDH AFRICA |
NGOs Platform of Saida – Tajamoh |
Nobel Women’s Initiative |
Nonviolence Network in the Arab Countries |
Nonviolent Peaceforce |
Nophotozone |
North American Imams Fellow |
North West Migrants Forum |
Northern Friends Peace Board |
Norwegian Church Aid |
Norwegian Refugee Council |
OMCT Tunisia |
Outright International |
Oxfam |
Palestinian Human Rights Organisation “PHRO” |
Pax Christi Australia |
Pax Christi International |
Pax Christi Pilipinas |
Pax Christi USA |
Peace and freedom ORG.( PFO) |
Peace Boat |
Peace Committee, 15th St. Friends Meeting, NYC |
Peace Direct |
Peace Organization for Peaceful Coexistence |
Peace Watch Switzerland |
Peace Winds Japan |
Peacemaker Trust |
Permanent Peace Movement |
Piattaforma OSC italiane in Medio Oriente e Mediterraneo |
Plan International USA |
Plateforme des ONG françaises pour la Palestine |
Première Urgence Internationale |
Project on Middle East Democracy |
Protection Approaches |
PVE for Peace |
PVE Works |
Quakers in Britain |
Rainbow Refugees NI |
Rebuilding Alliance |
Reclaim The Sea |
Red Dot Foundation Global |
RefuAid |
Refugee Support Group |
ReThinking Foreign Policy |
Revista La Mar de Onuba |
Right to Movement Palestine |
Rights Realization Centre |
Romanian Peace Institute – PATRIR |
Roshanka |
Sabeel |
Sabeel Kairos Norway |
Sabeel-Kairos UK |
Salam for Democracy and Human Rights |
Salam For Yemen |
SAM Organization for Rights and Libertie |
Sanad alBasra Organization for Human Rights |
Save the Children |
SB Overseas Soutien Belge |
Schengen Peace Foundation |
Search for Common Ground |
Secours Islamique France (SIF) |
Seenaryo |
Sheba Youth Foundation |
Shining Star educational organization of Afghanistan |
Shma Koleinu – Alternative Jewish Voices of NZ |
Social Development Hodeida Girls Foundation |
Solutions for a Small Planet |
SOS Children’s Villages Palestine |
SOS Children’s Villages Netherlands |
SOS Children’s Villages International |
Statefree |
Ster |
Strategic Dialogue Group |
Study sky academy |
SUDS – International association of solidarity and cooperation |
Syrian American Medical Society |
Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR). |
Syrians for Truth and Justice |
Tamkeen for Legal Aid and Human Rights |
Tanzania Community Health Information and Support |
Terre Des Hommes Foundation Lausanne |
Terre des Hommes International Federation |
Terre des Hommes Italia |
The Center for Mind Body Medicine |
The Desmond and Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation |
The Episcopal Church |
The Foundation for Middle East Peace |
The Khalifa Ihler Institute |
The Mosque Cares | Ministry of Imam W. Deen Mohammed |
The Palestinian Return Centre |
The Pickwell Foundation |
The United Church of Canada |
the3million |
UK-Palestine Mental Health Network |
UN Association of San Diego |
UN Youth Association of Romania – Cluj Branch |
United Against Inhumanity |
United Nations Association – UK |
University Network for Human Rights |
UOSSM International |
US Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO) |
Vento di Terra |
Viva Salud |
Vrede vzw |
War Child Holland |
War Child Sweden |
War Child UK |
War Childhood Museum |
War on Want |
We Effect |
Welfare Association (UK) |
WESPAC Foundation, Inc. |
WeWorld – Member of ChildFund Alliance |
WILPF Spain |
Womankind Worldwide |
Women and Gender Institute |
Women for Peace |
Women for Women International |
Women for Women International |
Women in Black Vienna |
Women Political Alliance – Kenya |
Women’s Center for Legal Aid and Counselling (WCLAC) |
Women’s Institute for Leadership Development |
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom UK |
Women’s International Peace Centre |
Womens Refugee Commission |
World Federalist Movement/ Institute for Global Policy |
World Student Christian Federation |
Worldwide Women’s Forum |
Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation |
Youth Against Irregular Migration |
Youth Vision Society |
Youths Volunteering for Sustainable Development (YOVSUD) |
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