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Rural India Supporting Trust (RIST)

For over a decade, the Rural India Supporting Trust (RIST) and Americares India have leveraged their longstanding partnership to implement a comprehensive Urban Health Strategy. From mobile health clinics to community volunteers, we provide accessible and equitable primary health care and promote health-seeking behavior in the most marginalized urban communities of Mumbai. 


Since 2013, the Rural India Supporting Trust (RIST) has partnered with Americares India to improve the health and well-being of urban populations in Mumbai. RIST’s invaluable support has enabled Americares to develop and advance the Mobile Health Center (MHC) model of care, from a single vehicle serving one district to a comprehensive primary care delivery program with eight MHCs serving 130 locations. RIST’s contributions allowed Americares to expand the program throughout Mumbai alongside innovations in care delivery, including the introduction of electronic medical records, improved diagnostic approaches, comprehensive referral mechanisms and capacity building for medical staff. 

RIST and Americares collaborate to enhance the delivery of health services by prioritizing innovative approaches that address health conditions prevalent in urban populations, including diabetes and hypertension. In 2020 with RIST support, Americares began a five-year initiative to further cement this effort though the Americares Urban Health Strategy, a holistic approach that supplements primary care delivery with MHCs, door-to-door screening for hypertension and diabetes, patient education sessions and school health interventions. 

Since beginning this strategy, Americares MHCs have provided more than 650,000 consultations, 30,000 patient referrals, 16,500 diabetes treatments and over 11,000 educational sessions focused on non-communicable disease (NCD) awareness. Notably, since 2020, 73% of community members surveyed now recognize critical signs, symptoms and preventive measures for NCDs, a significant increase from just 13% at the program’s inception. 

Additionally, Americares provides health interventions at 93 schools reaching over 18,000 students through comprehensive educational sessions focused on health, nutrition, and hygiene, as well as annual screenings for anemia and vision. This program fosters the development of healthier, more resilient communities by encouraging students to prioritize their health. 

In recent years, this evolving partnership has allowed Americares to meet rising mental health needs by integrating counselors onto mobile health centers (MHCs) and offering education sessions on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support. Since 2022, Americares India’s MHCs have conducted over 4,000 mental health consultations and are actively working to destigmatize mental health support.

Rural India Supporting Trust (RIST)

Since 2007, Rural India Supporting Trust (RIST) has worked with organizations across India to bring accessible, affordable and quality services to vulnerable communities. Their core mission envisions an equitable India that supports and empowers every individual to realize and achieve their potential. With a strong focus on healthcare, education, disability inclusion and the environment – RIST believes in maximizing impact through valuable partnerships and interventions across the country. Learn more about the Rural India Supporting Trust (RIST) here