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Our Work in Country

Colombia faces significant challenges in increasing access to quality health care, shaped by its diverse geography, rising poverty and one of the world’s largest internally displaced populations, resulting from decades of political instability, insecurity and conflict in the region. The Colombian health system has expanded services to migrants in recent years, however the volume and complexity of cases continues to strain the capacity of health facilities.

Americares has been supporting health care in Colombia since 1985, improving access to medicines and health services for underserved communities.

Currently, Americares operates primary care clinics, mobile health clinics and a health education site in Colombia to meet the ongoing demand for primary care services and access to medicines for families fleeing the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela and other underserved populations who lack access to health services.

Americares also responds to disasters, providing emergency medical aid and supporting recovery efforts for communities affected by crises.

Americares services are especially critical for “caminantes” or “walkers”—migrants making the dangerous journey on foot—who face extreme hardship and health risks along the way.

Delivering Lifesaving Care in Colombia

Many patients arrive at Americares clinics in Colombia after going without care for long periods, often with untreated conditions such as high blood pressure—including pregnant women at risk for preeclampsia—that could have been prevented or managed with primary care.

Americares Colombia’s Health Care for Migrant Populations and Host Communities Project, launched in 2025, provides health services in Arauca, Cúcuta, Ipiales and Puerto Carreño and health education in Soledad. Patients receive quality medical care, mental health services and essential medications at no cost at primary care and mobile health clinics.

Americares staff in Colombia also assists patients with enrolling in Colombia’s public health system, ensuring long-term access to care for Venezuelan families, migrants from other countries and host communities.


Emergency Response

Colombia’s location along the Pacific Ring of Fire makes it highly vulnerable to natural disasters, including earthquakes, flooding and volcanic eruptions. Compounding these risks, widespread poverty limits access to essential health care for many, increasing the likelihood of untreated illnesses and worsening health outcomes.

Americares Emergency Response Team in Colombia distributes WASH and hygiene kits to communities impacted by flooding in the La Mojana region of Colombia in July 2024.

In 2024, Americares Emergency Response Team in Colombia mobilized to support communities impacted by severe flooding in La Mojana, La Guajira and El Choco. The team distributed hygiene kits in the hardest-hit communities. In 2025, Americares Colombia launched a response to the mounting crisis in Catatumbo, where thousands of people are displaced due to conflict in the region. Americares Colombia is providing those who have been displaced with mental health and psychosocial support, including individual and group therapy sessions.

Americares Emergency Response Team in Colombia provides clean drinking water to flood-impacted communities in La Mojana, Colombia, in July 2024.

Americares Inc. en Colombia


Información Decreto 2150

AMERICARES FOUNDATION INC.  es una entidad sin ánimo de lucro extranjera u ONG que estableció negocios permanentes en Colombia, conforme a los requisitos para su registro e inscripción de que trata la Circular Externa 008 del 2012 de la Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio, los cuales fueron debidamente cumplidos. Y que además cuenta con un Número de Identificación Tributaria que la hace en territorio colombiano capaz de ejercer derechos y contraer obligaciones en el marco de su actividad.